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LARA and SiLA2.0/AnIML
– an integrated open source laboratory automation planning and evaluation suite
dr. mark doerr
institute for biochemistry, university greifswald
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* lara intro
the greifswald protein screening platform LARA
* lara intro
scientific data - structure
* In the very early days of personal computing, I was wondering, why the computer was not used
scientific work and data
how do we organise / structure scientific experiments that they are reproducible, even in 100 years ?
how do we store the scientific data, even to be read in 100 years ?
how do we organise the scientific data, that new knowledge can re-interpret / re-evaluate the old data ?
(coping with evolution in science)
* In the very early days of personal computing, I was wondering, why the computer was not used
in every scientist should have a laptop to document his experiments
share data , faster evaluation, search, combining results, re-interpret when more knowledge
First devices every single devices has its very own software
HPLC, NMR own data formats
only propieatary sotware to open the formats
later robotics
very limited view only control
so I decided to create my onw software with the massive help and back of the open source community
everything is out there....
holistic approach of the LARA suite
- planning of experiments
- storing all required data for the planning, like literature, substances, material, devices, experimentalists ...
- generating the processes
- execution of the processes, communication with the lab devices
- collection of the data (very structured, well prepared to learn from it)
- evaluation and visualisation of the data (also DoE and machine learning)
- reporting / publishing / exchange between labs
* In the very early days of personal computing, I was wondering, why the computer was not used
LARA suite - architecture
* In the very early days of personal computing, I was wondering, why the computer was not used
LARA workflow - plate layout
LARA - some plotting features
LARA suite - techniques
- all open source based
- languages: python3, R and JavaScript
- very compact code (< 10 MB), usage of standard library, minimum dependencies
- gRPC as universal wire format (SiLA2 communication) and web front-end / backend (no REST !!)
- AnIML as long term storage and data exchange format (planned)
- one language paradigm for all
- python-django web framework and database ORM
- flexible relational database schema, fitting many lab workflows
what is SiLA (2) ?
- laboratory automation communication standard
- standardised data transfer
- standardised data storage (AnIML)
* feature
who is SiLA2 ?
- non-profit standardisation organisation (
- headquarter located in Switzerland
- featured at SLAS2019 !
- supported by many lab device, pharma companies, academic institutions, e.g.
- TU Berlin
- TU Dresden
- Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Fraunhofer IPA Stuttgart/Mannheim
- University Greifswald
- Wega-IT
- unitelabs
- equicon
- BSSN Software
- Madisoft
- Novartis
- idorsia
- Roche
* feature
SiLA 2 lab automation communication standard
* SiLA 2
SiLA 2 - applications
SiLA 2 - server / client architecture
SiLA2 - main concepts
- Feature based Micro Service Architecture
- SiLA data types
- open source
- multi language support (python, JAVA, C#, C++)
- discovery based on zeroConfig (bonjour)
* feature
SiLA2 - technical background
- g Remote Procedure Calls (gRPC) as base wire format
- large gRPC community, supported by Google as their future webservice protocol
- very clear, generic interface description language "ProtoBuf"
- type safe - successor technology of REST
- «binary encoded JSON» as payload
- HTTP/2 based transport protocol
* gRPC “wire format” - and - for simplicity - the gRPC libraries as a base
* restricted use of HTTP Methods and Status Codes
* Based on HTTP2
sila_python: a fast entry to SiLA2
- download repository
git clone
- run installer
python3 sila2installer
- go to examples directory
cd sila_python/examples/HelloWorld
- run Hello SiLA 2 Server
python3 python
- run Hello_sila2 client
python3 python
sila_python: the code generator workflow
- create Features (currently in SiLA XML Feature Definintion language)
- put them all in one directory with a server description file
- run the sila2codegenerator
sila2codegenerator -d my_new_labdevice_project
- this will result in
- all protobuf files, describing the interface
- a ready-running server and testclient
- server / client stub classes for subclassing
- a simulation implementation
- a real hardware implementation template
- run my_new_labdevice_server / client
* gRPC “wire format” - and - for simplicity - the gRPC libraries as a base
* restricted use of HTTP Methods and Status Codes
* Based on HTTP2
SiLA2 - repositories
Raspberry Pi repository: sila_python/raspberry_pi
please visit booth #243
image source:
labPy - a python GUI library
for interacting with lab devices
labPy features
- simple to use graphical user interface elements (QT5 based)
- hardware interfaces (serial, USB)
- reusable code
- flexible use cases
- much cheaper and more modern than NI LabView (R)
Software that makes the usage of everything less complex
- the power of open source ('matters') - construction of very powerful tools with standard solutions
- fast, script based / automatized data processing with LARA, using one single language paradigm to access all data
- SiLA2 based communication
- if you need a GUI, use labPy
Software that makes the usage of everything less complex
robot hard- and software
- Peter Neubauer with his group (TU Berlin)
- Sebastian Hans (TU Berlin)
- Shaon Debnath (TU Berlin)
- Stefan Born (TU Berlin)
- Johannes Kabisch with his group and associates (TU Darmstadt)
SiLA team
- Daniel Juchli (
- Maximilian Schulz (
- Stefan Koch (
- Oliver Peter (
Uwe Bornscheuer (University Greifswald)