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machine learning with LARA,
SiLA2/AnIML providing experimental data for ML/AI and cheminformatics
mark doerr, patrick courtney, uwe bornscheuer and stefan born
institute for biochemistry, university greifswald/TU-berlin/SiLA 2019.07.09
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Calvelage, S.; Dörr, M.; Höhne, M.; Bornscheuer, U. T., Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2017, 359 (23)
* lara intro
the greifswald protein screening platform LARA
* lara intro
LARA - real robotics at the institute for biochemistry
* protein screening engineering
* findind the right enzyme in 1E5 to 1E9 variants
* lara movie
LARA - components top view
* protein screening engineering
* findind the right enzyme in 1E5 to 1E9 variants
* lara movie
scientific data - structure
* In the very early days of personal computing, I was wondering, why the computer was not used
scientific work and data
how do we organise / structure scientific experiments that they are reproducible, even in 100 years ?
how do we store the scientific data, even to be read in 100 years ?
how do we organise the scientific data, that new knowledge can re-interpret / re-evaluate the old data ?
(coping with evolution in science)
* In the very early days of personal computing, I was wondering, why the computer was not used
in every scientist should have a laptop to document his experiments
share data , faster evaluation, search, combining results, re-interpret when more knowledge
First devices every single devices has its very own software
HPLC, NMR own data formats
only propieatary sotware to open the formats
later robotics
very limited view only control
so I decided to create my onw software with the massive help and back of the open source community
everything is out there....
holistic approach of the LARA suite
planning of experiments
storing all required data for the planning, like literature, substances, material, devices, experimentalists ...
generating the processes
execution of the processes, communication with the lab devices